Color Comes To Town
I know that spring is upon us, when the Redbud trees start giving out their
beautiful pink buds.
The redbud is a tree that is valued far more than its sma...
Crazy Quilty Gifty
My pal and I adore going to quilt and stitchery shows. The other day we
went to the annual Woodlawn Needlework Show in Alexandria.
As we were leaving ...
The Gift
[Christmas, 1965 or thereabout]
The boy was very young; perhaps 7 or 8 years old. He loved everything about
Christmas - the lights, the music, Santa ...
When Your Son Has a Son
*A baby dances with its feet in the air.*
*Ruth Krauss*
In 1988, my husband and I lived in Connecticut. We rented a house two
blocks from the beach on Lon...
Silent Killer
Today the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced the agency has
identified the cause of widespread fatalities affecting members of
fraternal societies ...
Hope comes home....
First off..let me say thank you to all of you who pulled up a chair and
joined me last week. Those of you who gave me feedback, encouragement and
This place marks
a superb spot,
where everyone expects
me to reside,
to germinate undisturbed,
dispassionate, deep.
They do not know
it is an empty...
Okay, so shoot me. I know I'm not around much these days. I hope all my
friends out there in the Blogosphere have been doing well? Same old same
old here. ...
We no longer see the one who teaches us
Musician, play this moment's music as grace
for those who block our road, grace for
bandits! Musician, you learned this from
a true bandit. I hear the te...
If God Was A Daddy Blogger
*Today I'd like to introduce a very special guest blogger: God. Many people
don't know God has a dad blog. No, I'm serious. He doesn't post as
Tag, You're It
I don't normally do this.
In fact, I have never done this before.
However, it is important enough for me to share with those
Who follow my personal blog ...
Is It True Or Memorex?
I recently started a Bible Study based on Elizabeth George's book, " Loving
God With All Your Mind". I think this will be a very thought provoking
study b...
It's Been Nearly One Year
It has been nearly one year since my last post here at The Fragrant Muse.
My energy and creativity has been spent creating and building my school,
and su...
When you wish upon a star
*Photo copyright: DAVID McMAHON. Image ID: 142-8714*
It’s really fitting that the base of this Kylie Minogue statue is a star,
because the ex-“Neighbour...